Crochet Cow Hats
/Last winter, I made a crochet cow hat for my youngest daughter and she LOVES it! It can be very hard to keep hats on kids' heads and this one was a winner!

This hat has gotten A LOT of wear! I have had to reattach a spot and tighten up the ears and wash it many, many times. Here it is over a year later...

I planned on making a similar cow hat for my friend's fuzzy headed little guy and didn't get started on it until a few weeks ago when I was sitting at a wrestling tournament all day. It is based off of THIS free pattern, but I changed quite a bit. It really didn't take too long to make this and if I had remembered to bring the pink along I could have finished it easily during the tournament.
Then, the button eyes fiasco started. I tried blue, but they looked creepy. Then, I bought new brown ones and they got lost. So, I tried other brown ones, but they still looked creepy.

Finally, I cleaned the hutch off as part of my 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge and found the final missing button. I don't know. Maybe I am just being picky. I am starting to think all button eyes are a little creepy now.

I made bigger spots on the back. I like them better than the first one I made.

But, I still prefer Guernseys and Herefords to Holsteins. :)

It is finished just in time for spring! It is a little big, so he can wear it next year and probably the year after that, too. Let's go with that- I am not late, I am just extra prepared for next winter!
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