Kitty Valentine Box

I think we are officially ready for Valentine’s Day around here! Early!!!!!

My 3rd grader will be making her valentine box in school, but my 1st grader got to make hers at home. A few years ago we made a “Pugs & Kisses” box out of an old cereal box wrapped in brown kraft paper, so we decided to go with a similar technique…

Pugs and Kisses Valentine Box

…except my daughter wanted a cat instead of a dog!

Easy kitty valentine box made from a cereal box!

I also got out the camera and took some pics as we made it. It is pretty simple so it doesn’t really need a full tutorial.

Use a cereal box to make a school valentine box!
Make a valentine box for school by wrapping an old cereal box in brown kraft paper.
Kitty Valentine box kids craft idea
Cat valentine box kids craft- cut out circles for paws
A cat with glasses! Make this easy valentine box with kids!
Kitty Valentine Box- fun to make with kids and uses an old cereal box!

I had to help her, obviously, but she did most of the gluing. I decided to secure some things with hot glue - like the ears, legs, and tail - just to make it a little more durable. The glasses are made of adhesive foam but everything else is card stock. Well, except the big googly eyes. My kids love those! And the nose has an adhesive foam dot thing to make it stand out.

Here are some more Valentine ideas you might like…