Sofiona Face-Off

Sewing is my therapy.

I need a lot of therapy these days.

I started a sewing challenge in the Sofiona Designs Fan Group called the “Sofiona Face-Off!” Some of the testers are going head to head each day in a ridiculously non-competitive event. Anyone can join in the open round by submitting a new sewing project using any Sofiona pattern. Join the fan group so that you don’t miss out on the fun!

Sofiona Designs Aurora Raglan and Rocky Shore Tights

My Plan A didn’t work out. (Don’t worry, I managed to save it so I will share that one on the blog one of these days, too.) Unfortunately, I am working entirely from the fabric stash these days, so I had to “make do” a bit. Thankfully, I have a nice supply of tank tops that I got on clearance at Walmart for $1. I like to shop the plus sizes to get more fabric for my buck. The best part is that I can get out of hemming! I also had some black ponte in my stash left from another project. The gray ponte is some of the “good stuff” from Sew Sew English fabrics that I have been hoarding.

I whipped up matching outfits using the Aurora Raglan and Rocky Shore Tights patterns. I even pulled off the little peek-a-boos in the lower leg panels. I really deserve bonus points for that. I tried to have them do some yoga poses, but that was hilarioulsy terrible!

Awesome kids exercise clothes made from Sofiona Designs pattens!
Peek-a-boo holes in Rocky Shore tights!
Kids yoga pants and shirt- made with Sofiona Designs pdf sewing patterns available in girls sizes 2-16
Sofiona Designs has such great girls activewear pdf sewing patterns
Sofiona Designs Rocky Shore Tights- cute peek-a-boo detail on the lower leg!
Foldover yoga waistband on Rocky Shore tights and Aurora Raglan made from upcycled tank tops!
Upcycled matching shirts from $1 clearance Walmart tanks!

Fabric: upcyled $1 Walmart clearance tank tops, Joann black ponte, Sew So English gray ponte

Patterns: Aurora Raglan, Rocky Shore Tights

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