Valentine's Day Crafts and Real Life

While I was busy running teenagers around a few weeks ago, my 10yo helped my 7yo make her valentine box. I was a little sad that I didn’t get to help her. I am super impressed with what they made, though!

They started out with a cardboard box… (My 7yo insisted we needed a “before” picture with an identical box.)


…and they turned it onto a “Pandacorn” box. I didn’t know pandacorns were a real thing. It started out as just a panda but I guess they like to add unicorn horns to everything these days. The gold strips on the arm are bracelets, in case you were wondering.

Pandacorn Valentine Box

An extra heart on the rear for good measure, I guess…

Panda valentine box made by kids!

My 7yo also wanted to make these little pom pom creatures for her school valentines. I have a bunch of store-bought valentines that I got on clearance last year so we just stuck these in a bag with them. We took little pom poms and glued foam heart stickers on for feet. Then we added googly eyes. My kids call these “flerbs” but that is just a silly name they made up.

Pom pom with googly eyes and heart foam sticker feet

It is Wednesday and we haven’t had school yet this week. We have gone shopping, made valentine surprises, and baked cookies. They have watched a lot of Netflix, drank hot chocolate, and made a snowman. One of them even cleaned her bedroom.

It started out as a delay this morning and I woke up with unusually grand ideas. First, I had coffee. Then, I prepped some valentine crafts for the younger ones. I made breakfast and was so excited about how I was going to rock at this mothering thing this morning. Then school cancelled and we used up our crafts by 9am.

Paper plate heart wreath kids crafts
Heart name caterpillar
Valentines Day kids craft- caterpillar made of hearts
Paper heart flowers
Valentine paper heart flowers

So, it is a typical snow day now. My house is a mess. I think we need a refill on cookies and I am considering a third cup of coffee. Girls were fighting and then five minutes later I found them shaving their legs together in the bathroom. There has been a lot of writing and a lot of screaming. I unplugged the TV. I tried to send them outside to play. I clearly don’t feel like I am rocking this mothering thing.

I just want to be transparent. It would be very easy to only show you the adorable crafts we make. Even the cutest things we make probably involved some whining or mess behind the scenes.

Snow day...
I will not make slime.
gluten free valentine cookies
Snow painting and kids mess...
A crooked snowman...

I ended up going to a friend’s house this afternoon and helping her made the most epic 100th Day of School/Valentine’s Day outfit that ever existed. I suppose all days are a mixture of mess and success. That is life, really.

I have one more Valentine post to share, but it is going to have to wait until next week so that I don’t ruin any surprises!

Happy Valentine’s Day!