My girls have sewn a lot of doll clothes over the past 2 years and they have gotten a bit more advanced. Some of these patterns I have created for them and some were freebies we found. Some of my patterns are available on the blog and some have yet to be published. (Vote at the end of this post for which one we should post next!) For now, I thought I would share which ones we like to use.
These dresses were made using the Salina dress pattern from Pixie Faire. (They have free patterns available every Friday if you sign up for their newsletter!) We really like this one and it is an easy pattern.

The aprons were made using my free pattern. Available HERE.

These dresses were made using my own pattern. It is just a basic doll dress (like THIS one but in 18" doll size). Is there any interest for a tutorial and pattern for these?

Liberty Jane has free patterns for T shirts HERE. Hemming the neckline is hard, but the rest is pretty simple and the fit is great! We made our own leggings pattern that can be done on the overlock machine except for the hem.

We made our own PJ pants pattern, too. Any interest in a pattern for that one? Oh, and the eye mask was adorable; it is just decorative elastic sewed to felt.

My daughter wanted to buy this sparkle tulle so I came up with an easy way to make tutus. I think I have some that I saved to do a tutorial but haven't gotten around to it yet.

We made our own cardigan pattern. (OK, I am seeing a trend here of us just making stuff up as we go along.) This dress, though, is a pattern that I have had in the works for 4 years.

I have my own baby doll diaper patterns in a few different sizes and we use those for the dolls that wet themselves. I refuse to buy disposable doll diapers! My daughter used her scraps from THIS collection to make some sets.

Paired with a pillowcase top these are really cute for baby dolls! You can get a free pillowcase dress pattern HERE. We just shorten it for baby dolls.

My younger daughter started out with some simple sundresses. I modified some patterns to come up with our own thing for these, too.

Finally, my oldest daughter wanted to try cold shoulder tops so we made a pattern up for those. (I can't figure out where we got the shorts pattern.) Then, we made tassel necklaces to match.

Now it is your turn...
Which free pattern should we release next?