2016 Crafty Year in Review


I know some people had a really rough 2016, but most years are a mixture of both good and bad. We learn and grow from both. I have always loved New Years! I love the feeling of a fresh start- it usually sends me into a crazy organizing/cleaning/decluttering spree, but it is also nice to look back and reflect on the previous year. Today, I want to look back at the crafty side of things with my top 2016 blog posts.

The baby clothes memory bear has been somewhat of a viral pin and has enabled me to invest in some website upgrades! I love seeing the memory bears that others make using this tutorial, too!

Use baby's going home from the hospital outfit to make a memory bear and blanket.

My most popular crocheting post for the year was these cute cow hats.

Crochet Cow Hat

I added some more blog posts about quiet books, including my spring themed one.

Spring Quiet Book

There is always a lot about dolls on here because they are fun to make things for. My oldest daughter learned to sew doll clothes this summer.

American Girl Doll clothes sewing

Another daughter got this farmhouse doll bed last Christmas and we painted it and made bedding for it (and I made a free pdf pattern for the quilt).

American Girl Pink Farmhouse Doll Bed with Star Quilt and Pillows

One of my daughters was given an American Girl doll for Christmas because she wants to prove she is responsible enough. She got the only handmade gift this Christmas, too- this doll apron that matches her own apron (and mine!)

Doll Ruffle Apron Pattern

Girls Ruffle Apron Pattern

Another daughter enjoyed making this Littlest Pet Shop felt playmat.

Kids craft no-sew felt play mat

Most of my blog posts are about things I have made for/with my daughters. Their "Easter dresses" took longer this year, but they were still nice and one of them has even been worn out already. They are not my favorite dresses, but the upcycled theme was a fun challenge.

Girls dresses upcycled from thrift store sheets, shirts, etc.


I have also started helping my local MOPS group with Creative Activities. It is a lot of fun! Our first craft project was these composition book journals.

Altered Composition Books

My most popular recipe this year is an all-time favorite with most of my family... hot mustard!

Hot Mustard Recipe- perfect for cheese and crackers!

Those are my most popular posts of 2016. Was there something that I missed? Most of the things I blogged about are things that I have made with or for my kids. I have done some other crafts that I haven't blogged about, but I can honestly say that most of them were focused more on the experience than the craft itself. That is exactly what I am striving for... making memories instead of just making things.

I am looking forward to 2017! Happy New Year's!!!