2017 Crafty Year in Review
/WOW! So much has happened this past year! I thought it might be fun to throw together one last blog post for the year recapping some of my favorite posts from 2017. Everything is linked if you missed it and want to go check it out! I started off 2017 very strong in the decluttering and organizing area. I keep a tally sheet and I have actually purged 95 garbage bags of "stuff" this year! Some was garbage and a lot was donated. This coming year I plan to be more intentional about what I bring into our home (especially craft supplies!) Also, look for more blog posts about this topic in the coming year.
I did some winter decorating. (I can't wait to get all of that stuff back out next week when the kids go back to school! Yay!)
I shared some of my favorite recipes. This year, I am hoping to add more gluten free recipes since my husband is not friends with wheat.
The biggest to happen on the blog this year was that I was chosen to participate in Project Run and Play... and I actually won! I was so intimidated by the other designers and it was so stressful (I might have burned myself out a bit) and the weather was absolutely horrible (a March blizzard!) but it was an amazing journey. I really pushed my limits through the competition.
I never did sew Easter dresses for the rest of the girls after the competition was over this year. I really needed a break from sewing. I did, however, whip up some beautiful flower girl dresses for my niece's wedding. I really loved them!!!
I added a new doll dress pattern and tutorial. These also fit Wellie Wisher dolls if anyone got one of those for Christmas! I have several new free patterns I hope to release soon.
Sometimes I let my kids do some blogging, too. My 13yo had an entire week devoted to her love of washi tape.

I had quite a few posts about kids crafts and activities. Here are some of my favorites...
I expect 2018 to be a year of big changes- my oldest graduating high school and my youngest starting Kindergarten. These changes will likely affect my blogging in many ways. Expect a lot of weepy, sentimental posts. You have been warned. Perhaps I will have more time to sew/craft/blog this fall, but I doubt it. My kids are all getting older and entering new stages, so I won't be sewing or crafting the same things.
Also, blogs seem to be a dying art. I don't read blogs daily as I used to years ago. Social media is constantly changing, too. For now, I am pretty active on facebook and instagram, so you can follow me there if you are also not a daily blog reading type.
I hope your 2018 is an amazing year, no matter what changes it may bring!