Miley Cyrus Flowers Valentine Box

I really pushed for another easy cereal box animal Valentine box! During our last-minute brainstorming session, my son was here and we ended up throwing around dozens of different ideas. We were all over the place and slightly snarky anti-Valentine ideas settled in eventually. I am not a huge fan of the holiday; it is outdated and I am uncomfortable with the forced declarations of artificial love of traditional kids’ valentines. My son is not a fan of Valentine’s Day because it is his birthday and he doesn’t like sharing.

Flowers by Miley Cyrus Valentine Box

We are not huge Miley Cyrus fans or anything, but her new song is catchy with a positive message evident of deep therapy work. I appreciate that. It sure beats the cheesy, traditional Valentine’s Day garbage.

Flowers by Miley Cyrus Valentine's Day box

Those cereal boxes are way easier, but this is my last year having to participate in this farce so I put forth extra effort. We started with a shoebox and here is a quick rundown of how we made it…

We started with the “sand” portion. I grabbed a random piece of cardboard and smeared mosaic grout all over it (Thank you, Mary Anne!) My daughter used her finger to write her name in it and we let it dry until the next evening. I had spray adhesive, but it all turned out to be junk so I had to smear it all over with my fingers (and had to use acetone to get it off) We used a mesh strainer from my kitchen to sift sand and scatter it all over the top. Then I coated it in spray sealer for good measure. I wasn’t sure how well the sand stood out so my daughter hot glued little seashells all over to drive home the effect.

Name in the Sand Valentine box

Then my daughter decided that she wanted a handle. Originally we planned on putting the words on it, but came up with something better. There were little holes in each side of the box already so I gave her a piece of pipe insulation foam to stuff through them. I found some gold fabric in my stash and cut a strip to wrap around it.

We used red duct tape from the Dollar Tree to cover the sides and outer edge of the top. We skimped a bit because we ran out. I glued fabric on the front edge to cover the gap.

In the front I cut away part of the side and made slits in the bottom halfway down to form a flap. I didn’t want kids messing with the sand part while stuffing Valentines in it (although it stuck pretty well so I worried for nothing.) I used a nail to stab a hole in the flap and tied a little fabric onto it for a handle.

The flowers also came from Dollar Tree. At the checkout I told my daughter she should buy herself flowers, but she was not amused. I stabbed holes with a nail about 1/2” from the edges and we stuffed the flowers into them.

Dollar Tree roses Valentine box

Our last touch was the CD. I have been decluttering pretty hard around here and found a recovery disk for a computer we don’t own anymore. I wrote some lyrics on it with a Sharpie, cut a slit in the back edge, and stuffed it in there.

I Can Buy Myself Flowers Valentine's Day box

I think this was a pretty good farewell to elementary school Valentine’s Day celebrations!

Valentine's Day Box Miley Cyrus Flowers
anti-Valentine's Day box

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